The time values can be expressed in terms of milliseconds by using the flag *u=msec. Seconds are indicated by using the flag *u=sec as demonstrated in the following example. The -f option will fill in the tempo markings for all lines, whether or not there has been a tempo change in the performace. The -r option can be used to round the tempo values to the nearset whole number if readability is more important than accuracy. In the following example the middle column displays the default output of the time2tempo command, while the last column displays the same data rounded to the nearest whole number. EXAMPLES
program file.krnIt can also read the data over the web: program data works in a somewhat similar manner: cat file.krn | programis equivalent to a web file using ths form: echo | program Besides the http:// protocol, there is another special resource indicator prefix called humdrum:// which downloads data from the kernscores website. For example, using the URI humdrum://brandenburg/bwv1046a.krn: program humdrum://brandenburg/bwv1046a.krnwill download the URL: Which is found in the Musedata Bach Brandenburg Concerto collection. This online-access of Humdrum data can also interface with the classical Humdrum Toolkit commands by using humcat to download the data from the kernscores website. For example, try the command pipeline: humcat humdrum://brandenburg/bwv1046a.krn | census -k DOWNLOAD
The source code for the program was last modified on 3 Jun 2006. Click here to go to the full source-code download page. |