Humdrum Extras

myank examples

This page gives example input and output data for the myank program. The output data from these tests can be compared to output on your platform using the same input file in order to determine if there is a problem with the myank program. If the output you generate is not the same as the output listed in the individual tests, then something may be wrong with the compiled program or your computing environment (or a bug added to the program after the example output was generated).

Test Index

    Test 001:Extract measure 5 from score.
    Test 002:Extract measure 2 to 6 from score.
    Test 003:Extract a range of measures in reversed order.
    Test 004:Extract non-consecutive list of measures.
    Test 005:Extract music in different clefs.
    Test 006:Extract music with clef change in middle of a previous measure
    Test 007:Extract music with sub-spine changes.
    Test 008:Extract measure with subspines from middle of score.
    Test 009:Extract a measure, not including ending barline.
    Test 010:Extract multiple measures, not including ending barline.

Test 001: Extract measure 5 from score.

The command:

     myank -m 5 input-file > output-file
using the following input, will generate the following output:

Test 002: Extract measure 2 to 6 from score.

The command:

     myank -m 2-6 input-file > output-file
using the following input, will generate the following output:

Test 003: Extract a range of measures in reversed order.

The command:

     myank -m 6-2 input-file > output-file
using the following input, will generate the following output:

Test 004: Extract non-consecutive list of measures.

The command:

     myank -m 2,4,5-2 input-file > output-file
using the following input, will generate the following output:

Test 005: Extract music in different clefs.

The command:

     myank -m 2,5 input-file > output-file
using the following input, will generate the following output:

Test 006: Extract music with clef change in middle of a previous measure

The command:

     myank -m 2,5 input-file > output-file
using the following input, will generate the following output:

Test 007: Extract music with sub-spine changes.

The command:

     myank -m 2,5 input-file > output-file
using the following input, will generate the following output:

Test 008: Extract measure with subspines from middle of score.

The command:

     myank -m 6 input-file > output-file
using the following input, will generate the following output:

Test 009: Extract a measure, not including ending barline.

The command:

     myank -m 5 -B input-file > output-file
using the following input, will generate the following output:

Test 010: Extract multiple measures, not including ending barline.

The command:

     myank -m 2,4,6 -B input-file > output-file
using the following input, will generate the following output:
